How do I get published?
Some of you may not know where to take your manuscripts. You may not know where to start that book you have desired to write. If we haven’t reached you to ask you to write for us, it’s probably because we don’t know how or where to find you. Kindly write to us at and we will guide you. Alternatively, follow the quick guide below on how to submit your manuscript:
- Send a letter or email to us expressing your desire to get published.
- Enclose a synopsis of your manuscript (1 – 2 pages), which includes but is not necessarily limited to:
- the proposed title of your book,
- a brief summary of the script – what it’s all about,
- your target audience (who they are and their level of education),
- the estimated size of the market,
- the intended length of the script (number of words or A4 single-spaced pages),
- desired date/month of publication,
- any competing titles already published plus their authors and years of publication, and
- a short biography of the author(s) (a paragraph each).
- Enclose also:
- for literary works (prose, drama, poetry), the first chapter or the first 10 pages whichever is shorter, or
- for non-literary works, the table of contents, and the first chapter or the first 10 pages whichever of the last two is shorter.